The Corpse Party franchise has a long, interesting history. The original, Japan-exclusive Corpse Party was developed by Makoto Kedōin and… Nintendo, upon letting everyone know more than a month in advance about the reveal of their first official Super…
Wild Pokémon first appeared 20 years ago, and the fantastical animals produced a multimedia franchise spanning video games, an ongoing…
Since the early 2000s, the gaming industry has realized that giving games gender options is crucial to relatability of a…
You'd think Battlefield 4 would be better than Battlefield 1, but not this time. Just as the Xbox One confused…
Titanfall 2 came out a week before Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. Yeah, EA Sports, great job at competing with…
Before I begin, I’m contractually obligated to inform you that, just like the last visual novel I reviewed, this review…
Titanfal – sorry, I mean Call of Duty: Infinte Warfare is Titanfall 2. That was a quick full-circle, but as…
Sonic CD for the mobile phone: a game released in the early 90’s now released more than 20 years later…
With this week bringing games like Battlefield 1 and Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Gears of War 4 couldn't have…