Game Reviews

‘Detective Pikachu’ Game Review: Not The Most Striking ‘Pokémon’ Title

Very few franchises in this medium have attained the success Pokémon has. Game Freak’s pet project quickly evolved past its monochromatic…

5 years ago

‘Layers Of Fear 2’ Review Roundup: An Eyrie Atmosphere With Predictable Outcomes

Layers of Fear 2 was released May 28th, and the reviews are in. The game is on Steam and console,…

6 years ago

‘Team Sonic Racing’ Review Roundup: A New Take On Sonic Kart Racing

Sonic is back after the release of the new Team Sonic Racing Game. The current retail price is $29.99, and some…

6 years ago

‘Days Gone’ Review Roundup: A Competent If Unambitious Zombie Romp

Sony’s PlayStation 4 may soon enter its twilight years, but the venerable console still has life left in it. Days…

6 years ago

‘Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition’ Review Roundup: Decade-Old Shooter Holds Up Fine

Borderlands graced the world a decade ago, introducing ragtag rogues and a fascinating apocalyptic world. Gearbox Software's title became a…

6 years ago

‘Yoshi’s Crafted World’ Review Roundup: A Charming ‘Yoshi’ Sequel

Nintendo's well-known for their contributions to platforming, and it's a genre the Kyoto-based company will soon explore again in Yoshi's…

6 years ago

‘Yoshi’s New Island’ Game Review: Almost Egg-cceptable, Never Egg-cellent

Yoshi debuted as Mario’s friend and steed in 1990’s Super Mario World, the flagship launch title for the Super Nintendo.…

6 years ago

‘Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze’ Game Review: King Of The Jungle & Platforming

Debuting in 1981, Donkey Kong is one of Nintendo’s oldest and most well-known franchises. However, it was Rare’s 1994 classic Donkey…

7 years ago

‘Fat Dragons’ (3DS) Game Review: Are The Dragons Phat?

Gaming is a wide medium, spanning high-budget experiences from big-name studios to smaller, more humble offerings. Nostatic Software’s Fat Dragons,…

7 years ago

‘Iconoclasts’ Game Review: Pixel Art That’s Like A Work Of Art

Iconoclasts is a game you’ve probably never heard of. That said, it’s also the game that’s been in a lot…

7 years ago