RWBY, the American-produced CG Anime created by the late Monty Oum, has become one of the most popular animated webs series of all time. Starting life in 2013, RWBY has spawned a multitude of comics, manga and merchandise. Last week, Wayforward (Shantae and Ducktales: Remastered) announced that it would be collaborating with fighting game studio, Arc Systems (Dragon Ball FighterZ, Blaze Blue) and Rooster Teeth to create a new game based on the series.
The game will have players take control of the shows four main leads, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long, in an original story written by the series current creative team, including Miles Luna, Kerry Shawcross and Eddy Rivas. A release date for the game has yet to be announced, but it’s expected to arrive sometime in 2021.
“Collaborating with the innovators at Rooster Teeth has been a blast, and we think the characters, personality, and style of RWBY are a great match for WayForward’s design sensibilities.” said WayForward’s Voldi Way. “We hope that fans are looking forward to seeing their favorite Huntresses in action as much as we’re looking forward to bringing the game to them.”
“I am tremendously thrilled to the coming of this new masterpiece,” said Mori Toshimichi, chief producer at Arc System Works.
The first game based on the RWBY series, Grimm Eclipse, was released in 2014 via Early Access, before officially releasing in 2015. Since then, characters from RWBY have made cross-over appearances in recent installments of Blaze Blue series.
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