Nintendo EPD

‘Super Mario Odyssey’ Game Review: You’re Still Super, Mario!

Super Mario Odyssey is the latest mainline installment in Nintendo’s premiere franchise. Developed by Nintendo EPD, the studio is composed…

7 years ago

‘Mario Kart 8 Deluxe’ Game Review: Raising The Kart-Racing Gold Standard

Mario Kart is a brand that’s synonymous with Nintendo’s hardware. Known for its entertaining multiplayer, the series consists of whimsical…

7 years ago

Nintendo eShop’s New March 2, 2017 Releases

Tomorrow, humanity will ascend to its next plane of existence. Nintendo’s new gaming hardware, the Nintendo Switch, will finally launch…

8 years ago

Freshen Up Your Skills In The ‘Splatoon 2’ Global Testfire Demo Next Month

Splatoon 2 was formally unveiled at the recent Nintendo Switch presentation. The full game is slated to release during the…

8 years ago

Season Pass Revealed For ‘The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild’

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is undoubtedly the focal point of the Nintendo Switch’s launch, which was…

8 years ago

Party With A Friend In Nintendo Switch’s ‘1-2-Switch’

When Nintendo offers an unorthodox controller, they develop a launch game to help explain it. The Wii Remote got Wii…

8 years ago

Stay Fresh This Summer With ‘Splatoon 2’

Splatoon was, without a doubt, the Wii U’s biggest success. Nintendo is already treating the brand as one of their…

8 years ago

‘Mario Kart 8 Deluxe’ Drifts To The Nintendo Switch, Includes New Battle Mode

Mario’s a pretty busy guy. His latest mainline adventure is on the horizon and, unsurprisingly, he’s getting his friends together…

8 years ago

Explore Exotic Worlds This Holiday In ‘Super Mario Odyssey’

One of the highlights of Nintendo’s Switch presentation was – surprise! – their mascot, Mario. His latest mainline title made…

8 years ago