How’s your week been? Personally, I’ve been sick with the flu, so I haven’t been very productive. However, I’m starting to…
3/23 Update: Nintendo’s celebrating the anniversary of the indispensable 3DS game, Kid Icarus: Uprising! (Remember, only 20 years until the…
Update 2: Nintendo's gearing up for the long-awaited launch of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild! Thus, many Zelda-themed discounts… Nintendo, upon letting everyone know more than a month in advance about the reveal of their first official Super…
How’s your Christmas shopping going? I am almost done with mine, thankfully. Speaking of shopping, today’s a Thursday, so I…
Super Mario Run was ceremoniously shown back at Apple’s keynote event. It was a big milestone, too. Nintendo’s iconic mascot…
Apple held a keynote last week where several new products were unveiled, including the Apple AirPods and the Series 2 model…