Sonic the Hedgehog is SEGA’s internationally-known mascot, an intricately designed hero whose blue spikes and speed inspired children across the globe. However, Paramount Pictures redesigned the mammal for its upcoming live-action adaption, a shift that accrued an overwhelmingly negative reception on social media. Sonic fans and non-fans alike decried this new take on the character, and the backlash was so great the studio responded to it by confirming they will retool Sonic’s appearance, delaying the film to accommodate the change.
Executive producer Tim Miller was well-aware of the uproar on social media, and he admitted the studio made a mistake. “This is a franchise, and it has to be great,” Miller said to Variety. “Look, I was with fans and so was [director Jeff Fowler]. When the s–t hit the fan, I went over there and said, “The most important thing to do, man, is say, ‘I f–ked up.’ He’d already sent a tweet out an hour before I got there. He’s a good man. It was exactly the right way to handle that. The fans have a voice in this too. There’s a right way to listen.”
Sonic’s updated look has yet to be formally unveiled (though Fowler’s tweet suggests he’s now sporting his white gloves), but Miller is optimistic people will approve of it. Variety asked Miller if he had seen Sonic’s revised design, and he affirmed he has. “And I think the fans will be pleased,” the film veteran noted.
Sonic the Hedgehog will now roll into theaters next year on Valentine’s Day. Ben Schwartz voices the hedgehog while Jim Carrey portrays his iconic arch-enemy, Dr. Robotnik.
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