Rocksteady Announces A New ‘Suicide Squad’ Game

'Suicide Squad' movie cast

'Suicide Squad' movie cast

Five years after the release of the “final” installment in the Batman Arkham series Arkham Knight, Rocksteady Studios announced on their Twitter account a new Suicide Squad game that will be fleshed out more at the DC Fan Dome.


Rocksteady also registered the websites “” which, along with the bullseye on Superman’s head, implies the presence of the league in the game, and “,” which is a separate entity that is reportedly being developed by their Montreal branch – the studio that developed the red-headed stepchild of the Arkham Series Arkham Origins – and many fans, including myself, hope that this means another long-rumored Arkham game is in the works.

It seems like 2021 is going to be a huge year for games as long as developers can gain the proper hype. In a non-COVID world, this would not be an issue but with the absence of conventions like E3 or PAX  studios may be tentative to release Triple-A titles without being able to get the word out to the extent that they want to.

Right now, with everyone locked inside their homes, is a perfect time to get video game projects moving – just look at Call of Duty: Warzone – a pretty good BR that has had twice the life cycle that it should have. With everyone still for the most part staying home and not going to work, this is where games can over-perform their potential and really capture the gaming community. Here’s hoping that things are much improved in 2021, but studios like Rocksteady can, at the very least, rely on the fact that this period of staying at home has brought in many more customers to the video game market.

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