‘A Summer’s End – Hong Kong 1986’ Explained – Groundbreaking Games Shows Lesbian Relationship

'A Summer's End – Hong Kong 1986' Explained – Groundbreaking Games Shows Lesbian Relationship

'A Summer's End – Hong Kong 1986' Explained – Groundbreaking Games Shows Lesbian Relationship

A Summer’s End – Hong Kong 1986 is a game that shows the development of a romantic relationship between two women, Michelle and Sam, in 1980s Hong Kong. What is interesting about it is how the game appears, its aesthetic and visual appeal. It is also played like you are reading a book, as the story slowly develops. 

Michelle is a straight-laced, office lady who has a strained relationship with her mother. She meets Sam, who is the daughter of a cobbler, and the two share a meal together. Player can slowly see that there is a sort of chemistry between the two that neither of them had really felt before.

There are two endings to this game, the first is Michelle moving to America with her new family, leaving Sam and ending any possible relationship the two could have. The second ending, and arguably the better one, sees the two women sitting together in a restaurant. The two live together and although they don’t have much, they are happy, specifically Michelle. 

A Summer’s End – Hong Kong 1986 is available to be played on Steam and it is definitely worth playing if you are looking for something new and different to play.

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