Hackers Breach 300,000 Nintendo Accounts

Nintendo Switch Lite Turquoise

Nintendo Switch Lite Turquoise

Since early April, Nintendo has had a hacking issue – the gaming giant said Tuesday that it has had 300,000 of its accounts hacked into. According to the company, hackers have gotten personal information such as birthdays and email addresses, but no credit-card numbers have been compromised.

In a statement on Tuesday, Nintendo said that they intend to “enhance security… we deeply apologise for causing trouble and worries to customers.”

Back in April, it was initially reported that hackers illegally obtained user information for 160,000 accounts, but it was discovered that there were an additional 140,000 accounts affected.

The company has also come out and said that they intend to reimburse any users for purchases made by hackers. Nintendo has seen a major increase in demand for their products, particularly for the Nintendo Switch, since people have been home during the coronavirus pandemic and with the popularity of Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

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