‘Marvel’s Avengers’ To Be Launch Title On PS5 & Xbox Series X

Iron Man in Square Enix's Marvel's Avengers

Iron Man in Square Enix's Marvel's The Avengers

With the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X set for release this holiday season, there have been a few titles announced to be available upon launch immediately. Marvel’s Avengers will be one of those titles the game’s publisher announced on Monday.

Marvel’s Avengers is set to be released on September 4 on Stadia, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC. Players who buy the game on the current consoles will be able to upgrade to the new consoles once they come out, while also being able to transfer save files. This upgrade, at least on PlayStation, will be available for both digital and hard copies of the game.

If you play Marvel’s Avengers on PS5, will have the ability to play at a higher framerate, or with enhanced graphics. There are more details to come for the Stadia and Xbox versions of the game. 

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