55% Of Gamers Played More During Pandemic, ESA Annual Report Reveals

Razer Blade Stealth 13 (Image: Razer)

Razer Blade Stealth 13 (Image: Razer)

The Entertainment Software Association, or ESA, recently released their 2021 Essential Facts About the Video Game report. The report polls around 4000 U.S. residents about their video-game playing habits. The document gives information on America’s community of gamers, the effect of COVID-19 on this community, the habits of gamers, the benefits of gaming and other areas.

“We are a nation of video game players. This became increasingly clear during the global COVID-19 pandemic, as we all adapted to working learning and playing at home. People from all walks of life reached for video games to find joy, connection and a sense of belonging when it was needed most,” said Stanley Pierre-Louis in the preface of the report.

The organization found that the number of people who play video games in the United States is close to 227 million. The report also found that the average player is 31 years old, and 80% of players are over the age of 18. The gender breakdown of players was found to be 45% female and 55% male. Additionally, 73% of gamers are white, 9% are Hispanic, 8% are black/African-American, 6% are Asian/Pacific Islanders and 2% are from a different group. The ESA also found that 77% of gamers voted in the 2020 election.

The Essential Facts report also analyzed the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on gaming. It found that 55% of people played more video games during quarantine and that 90% of people will continue to play even after social distancing is not required. The opinion of parents was also shared, with 71% of parents agreeing that video games were a good way for their children to take a break; 66% of parents agreed that gaming made transitioning to distance-based learning easier.

The ESA found that 57% of gamers used a smartphone, 46% played on a console and 42% utilized a personal computer. Casual games were the most commonly played genre among gamers with action and shooter games tying for second.

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