Lightning Bolt Electrocutes A Man Via Video Game Controller

Xbox's Aqua Shift controller (Image: XBox)

Xbox Controller (Image: Microsoft)

A man was shocked by a wired game controller after a lightning strike in Robertson County, Tennessee.

As WKRN reports, the man was playing video games when he was electrocuted. But rather than landing directly at his house, the lightning struck the ground at a nearby location. The electricity was able to flow into him through the wired console on his hand. After the strike, he contacted emergency services for assistance.

“Josh Rice, the Assistant Director of Robertson County Emergency Medical Services told News 2 that medics had responded around 9:15 p.m. Saturday to a call of a man struck by lightning in Greenbrier,” the report said. “When crews arrived, they said they determined the man’s house was either hit, or the lightning struck nearby, and he suffered a shock through a video game controller.”

Luckily, the man was still conscious after the strike, but he still “wanted to be checked out to make sure he was not injured.” According to the medical staff, he appeared to be fine, and “he did not need to be transported to a hospital.”

Bizzare as this incident appears, this wasn’t the first time someone has been shocked by a game console.

Last year, Karma, a professional Rocket player, also suffered from the same scenario. She was streaming on Twitch when the lightning struck, and she later wrote in a Reddit thread that she experienced some pain and burning sensations.


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