Infinity Ward Gives Xbox Users Another Massive Update To ‘Call of Duty: Warzone’ At 66GB

Call Of Duty: Warzone (Image courtesy of Activision)

Call Of Duty: Warzone (Image: Activision)

While it used to be a joke that if you enjoyed playing Call of Duty: Warzone, it would have to be the only game downloaded on your console. That joke is coming closer to reality with Infinity Ward slamming players with another monster update. As the game has grown in popularity, riding the general upsurge of BR’s, it seems like the developers can’t help themselves but force players to download monster updates that seem to vary between 40GB-70GB making the games file size seem obscene compared to other BR file sizes.


Thankfully, for us PlayStation guys, this was an Xbox specific update, but it feels like Warzone is reaching the part of a BR’s life-cycle where the “casual” players start to flee the game because the better players have gotten to such a level that the game has become too hard and these massive updates are not doing anything to help this exodus. At some point, a lot of casual fans must look at their storage space and decide that Warzone just isn’t worth it and move on to newer popular releases like Fall Guys. No BR’s have been able to avoid this eventual exodus. It seems like Warzone is on its way to this reality, but it will be interesting to see what adjustments they try to make when they see the player numbers begin to decline. Unfortunately, that fix may come in the form of another 70GB+ update.

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