WATCH: ‘Gotham Knights’ Unveiled At DC Fandome

'Gotham Knights' (Image: DC)

'Gotham Knights' (Image: DC)

During Saturday’s DC Fandome event the newest, long-rumored, Batman game was revealed in the form of Gotham Knights. The gameplay seems to run-through four heroes who are taking up the mantel of fighting crime in Gotham after Batman’s death in Arkham Knight. Along with this announcement, an eight-minute gameplay snippet showing Batgirl taking on Mr. Freeze was released.

It’s a bold move to not have Batman in a Batman game. As a massive fan of the Arkham franchise, I am cautiously optimistic that Gotham Knights will be a worthy entry. I do appreciate the difference in tone as well in this gameplay. Instead of going for the same mood and gameplay mechanics as the Arkham series the art seems a little more comic-y and less gritty while they combat system seems updated with health bars and special abilities similar to open-world RPG’s like The Witcher or Dark Soul series.

While there is not any footage of playing with one of the three other characters, you have to assume that there will be an added element of variety with the ability to choose from four playable characters. This is an idea that the series has played with, most notably in Arkham Knight, where you can play a few missions as Nightwing, but has not really been explored until now. Some fans may be disappointed that this is not just another rehash of the Arkham series, but I think that this fresh look will be good for the series. If it goes poorly, there are endless ways to reboot Batman.

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