New ‘Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade’ Trailer Shows Off Fort Condor And The Dirge

Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade (Photo Courtesy Of Square Enix)

Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade (Photo Courtesy Of Square Enix)

Players, like myself, who missed out on the Final Fantasy VII Remake on PlayStation 4 ought to set their sights on Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade which is coming to the PlayStation 5 on June 10, 2021. Intergrade will feature the entire PS4 Remake as well as “EPISODE INTERmission.” While the episode’s capitalization confuses me, the premise is great: players can finally take control of decades-old fan-favorite Yufi as she makes her way through Midgar. A New trailer for Intergrade released Friday shows several of the updated game’s new features and surprises that all players can look forward to in the future.

The trailer opens with what I assume is a supped-up Bahamut summon, and later footage shows a suitably bearded and robed Ramuh laying down some lightning-enhanced justice. The trailer shows off sections from Remake‘s PS4 version, now running smoother than ever.

The trailer also showed off some new, meaty footage from Yufi’s side story “EPISODE INTERmission,” which I think Square Enix named solely for the double-entendre and I don’t mind one little bit. Players can rejoice as well knowing that the mini-game Fort Condor is making its beloved return in INTERmission. Yeah sure, Fort Condor is cool and all, but if you aren’t playing Triple Triad, I don’t even want to hear it. Jokes aside, INTERmission looks like a pleasant surprise for fans who already played on PlayStation 4.

Players can look forward to getting their hands on Intergrade and “EPISODE INTERmission” on June 10, 2021; that is of course assuming you somehow already have a PlayStation 5.

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