New ‘Resident Evil’ VR Experience Coming Soon To Capcom Plaza

Resident Evil 7

Resident Evil 7 (Capcom)

Resident Evil, known as Biohazard in Japan, is launching a VR experience at the Plaza Capcom Ikebukuro in Tokyo. According to Upload VR, Biohazard: Valiant Raid will drop players in the game as Special Force members in a lab overran by Resident Evil zombies. The game will be available in Japan for now, hopefully reaching other countries for Resident Evil fans to try and check out.

Here is a first look of the Valiant Raid trailer, showing a squad of four players dual-wielding guns in a lab ran by Umbrella, a nefarious pharmaceutical company.

There isn’t much footage to take away from the game in terms of the VR experience, as it’s just a cinematic trailer to hype up fans that are looking to try the new game. According to Metro, it supports a four player co-op cast that makes you U.S.S (Umbrella Security Service) guards.

Capcom has not hinted at any follow-up VR experiences after their hit Resident Evil 7 VR build. VR arcades are the new hub in Japan. Mario Kart started the VR experience in these VR hubs along with Dragon Quest, and according to Metro, a Halo VR experience is on its way.

While the game will only be playable in the Tokyo arcade hub, it’s likely the VR experience will reach other countries in due time due to its immense popularity. If the numbers in Tokyo thrive, it’s more promising Capcom will realize the potential of the experience.

Biohazard: Valiant Raid will officially be open on July 19 at the Plaza Capcom Ikebukuro, and there remains no new news of the game reaching the western hemisphere as of yet. In 2017, Resident Evil 7 took home the prize for best VR game at the Game Awards. The PS4 survival horror game was a first-person shooter that immersed its players into their world. Hopefully Capcom brings this experience around the world in the new VR age.

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