‘GTA 6’ Should Finally Release This Year – & Take-Two CEO Says ‘It’ll Be Breathtaking’

Grand Theft Auto 6 (Image: Rock Star Games)

Grand Theft Auto 6 (Image: Rock Star Games)

Grand Theft Auto 6 will finally reach us this year and Rockstar’s owner assures fans that it will be worth the long wait.

2025 is already looking up to be a great year for Grand Theft Auto fans as it seems Rockstar Games and their development team are confident that Grand Theft Auto 6 will be released later this year. 

A few weeks ago, the YouTube content creator, Conner Mather, interviewed the CEO of Take-Two Interactive (Rockstar’s owner), Strauss Zelnick, asking him questions about the video game industry and his career and, of course, GTA 6 came up. Zelnick explained that he and his team truly prioritize supporting the company’s creative teams as he said, “we insist that they follow their passion,” and that noted that because the company is “very well capitalized,” they have the means to give their creative teams generous support for “big, broad visions.” 

Particularly, because Take-Two’s non-sports entertainment franchises – like Rockstar – do not make yearly releases, the creators of games like GTA and Red Dead Redemption can focus a large amount of time and funding into a singular project. “We have the ability to invest over a long period of time to do something really spectacular, and it’s been that approach that really has led to our success,” he said. 

Although there are some fans who get frustrated with how long new releases can take under this style of development, the unwavering quality of Rockstar’s games is what keeps fans coming back in the first place. “We think that the combination of investing heavily in the creative aspects of what we do and also letting the audiences anticipate a release, sometimes for a long time, is why our intellectual properties have proven to be so durable.” 

It’s likely that without these long-awaited releases, fans would lose interest in the franchise and the fact that releases are so rare is what makes them incredibly special. Zelnick supports this idea as he shares that “every one of our releases inside a franchise has done better than the prior release… In most cases [in the video game business], you’ll see a steady decline release after release, but that isn’t the case with us because we take our time and we really focus on presenting something to the audience that they just haven’t seen before.”

This sentiment is of course extended to GTA 6, which has experienced delays throughout its production, most likely meaning that the quality of the game has always been put first. So finally, when asked in the interview how he would briefly describe GTA 6, Zelnick said, “I would say I think it’ll be extraordinary and worth waiting for… I think it’ll be breathtaking.”

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