Nintendo eShop Releases: July 4, 2019

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Nintendo Switch logo

Happy Fourth of July, everyone! Some of you may be off for the day while others may have work, but one patriotic way to celebrate the holiday would be to visit the Nintendo eShop and see what’s new.

Stranger Things 3: The Game is probably the most noteworthy title this week, serving as a companion to the hit Netflix show’s third season. The game expands upon the events of the television program, and you can choose between 12 characters and co-op with a friend as you explore Hawkins.

SolSeraph launches on July 10. Here, you’ll be tasked with constructing fantastical cities and shielding them from impending monster attacks. It was developed by ACE Team, the studio known for Rock of Ages and Zeno Clash.

Also new this week in Nintendo eShop on Nintendo Switch:

Also new this week in Nintendo eShop on Wii U:

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