Nintendo eShop’s New December 22, 2016 Releases

Mario Party 2 (Nintendo)
As I scramble to finish my Christmas shopping, Nintendo has once again updated the eShop library. What’ll they tempt me with this week?
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero is the newest side-scroller starring indie darling Shantae. Her arch-enemy, Risky Boots, has returned, neatly coinciding with a crime spree that’s plaguing Sequin Land. Armed with her hair and transformative dancing, WayForward’s genie is ready for the challenge!
Mario Party 2 was the second installment in the dreaded series, and it opened the floodgates for an endless sea of sequels. But back then Mario Party 2 was fun, and in most regards it was an improvement over the blister-inducing original. Items were introduced to spice up the boards, of which Mario Land hosts five (with a secret sixth one). In-between roaming the theme parks, you’ll partake in 65 minigames. Avoid those Bowser Spaces!
By the way, Nintendo is hosting another National StreetPass Holiday from now until January 15. You know how these work: bring your 3DS to a Nintendo Zone hotspot, get up to six Mii visitors to your plaza. Shigeru Miyamoto’s Mii might even stop by! Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS was released earlier this month, and Nintendo believes you should share your creations.
Here’s everything Nintendo released on the eShop this week:
Wii U
- Shantae: Half-Genie Hero (WayForward, $19.99)
- Mario Party 2 (Nintendo, $9.99 – originally for the Nintendo 64)
Nintendo 3DS
- Geki Yaba Runner Deluxe (QubicGames, $4.99)
- Gourmet Dream (CIRCLE Entertainment, $5.00)
- Mini Golf Resort (Teyon, $4.99)
- Ice Station Z Demo (Wobbly Tooth, free)
- Mario’s Happy Holidays (Nintendo)
New Nintendo 3DS
- Hit Ninja (Petite Games, $1.99)
Nothing listed above catches your attention? Check out what’s on sale. Several of Capcom’s games are discounted, which includes numerous Ace Attorney, Resident Evil and Monster Hunter titles. Personally, I’m thinking about downloading Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy. The relatively new Spirit of Justice is discounted, too, so feel free to investigate my review to see if it’s worth it.