Nintendo Inadvertently Confirms Stage Builder Mode Will Return To ‘Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate key art (Nintendo)

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate was a flagship title for Nintendo’s Switch last year, garnering acclaim from critics and fans alike. Director Masahiro Sakurai and his team at Bandai Namco are still working on the crossover title, with its next downloadable fighter, Persona‘s Joker, slated to arrive sometime this month.

Nintendo released an advertisement for Ultimate on Tuesday evening, which showcased a wholesome group enjoying the ink-tastic nature of the Inkling character. However, eagle-eyed viewers noticed how the video inconspicuously confirmed the series’ Stage Builder mode will be returning to Ultimate:

Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the third game in the series, was the first to offer a Stage Builder, and the feature returned in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, the series’ fifth installment. Both iterations of the Stage Builder functioned rather differently, with Brawl‘s solely containing set pieces one can use to compose a stage while Wii U focused on allowing players to create arenas with its touch screen controls. It is currently unknown how Ultimate‘s version will function.

Notably, last month dataminers discovered evidence all but confirming the return of both the Stage Builder and Home-Run Contest modes. It is currently unknown when either will drop, but it’s likely that at least Stage Builder will coincide with Joker’s launch.

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