Sony Announces Formation Of PlayStation Studios To Be Released Alongside The PS5

PlayStation 5 (Photo Courtesy of Playstation)

PlayStation 5 (Photo Courtesy of Playstation)

With the PlayStation 5 coming later this year, Sony and PlayStation have announced the formation of PlayStation Studios, which is a new brand for first-person Sony games, which will be released alongside the PlayStation 5. 

The company released the intro video for PlayStation Studios on their YouTube channel which saw popular characters like Sackboy, Aloy, Ellie, Nathan Drake and Kratos reflected in the trademark PlayStation shapes and then ultimately transforming into the new PlayStation Studios logo.

Eric Lempel, who is the head of global marketing for Sony Interactive Entertainment said that this has been something that Sony as a company has been thinking about for a while. “Over the last few years – and even the last decade – the strength of the titles coming out from our studios has been stronger than ever. We have been thinking about how we unite all of these great games under one brand, and really the purpose of that is to make the consumer understand that, when they see this brand, they’re getting ready for a robust, innovative, deep experience that they’ve come to expect from games coming from PlayStation. So we came up with PlayStation Studios.”

PlayStation Studios won’t be applied to games in the immediate future, but Sony has said that fans can see the PlayStation Studios logo once the PS5 is released to the public. 

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