EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Aidan Bristow Talks ‘Call of Duty’ & ‘Halo Infinite’

'Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare' (Image: Activision)

'Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare' (Image: Activision)

Actor Aidan Bristow sat down with uGames’ Erik Meers to discuss his several video game voice roles including Dead Rising 3 and Call of Duty Modern Warfare, as well as an upcoming undisclosed role in Halo Infinite.

While Bristow did voice and mo-cap for Dead Rising 3, one of my favorite sleeper-hits of the last console generation, his breakout role in video games is his portrayal of Hadir Karim in 2017’s Call of Duty Modern Warfare.

Now, I’m not the most well-versed person in the Call of Duty series, but as Bristow describes it, I ought to change that. Bristow talks about how 2017’s Modern Warfare “storyline takes a lot of geopolitical elements … you as a player have a lot of experiences seeing that things aren’t just black and white. Everyone is a variety of shades of grey. There isn’t any clear villains or heroes.”

Bristow later hints that he will be appearing in the upcoming Halo Infinite as well as a yet unnamed project in the future.

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