‘Apex Legends: Saviors’ Trailer Introduces New Character, Newcastle

'Apex Legends: Saviors' (Image: EA)

'Apex Legends: Saviors' (Image: EA)

Apex Legends: Saviors trailer is finally here, and introduces an exciting new hero in Newcastle who Bangalore finds out is her long-lost brother.

Apex Legends game developer EA describes Newcastle as “the Hero of Harris Valley,” adding that he’ll “need to shield his squadmates and his secrets to survive the Apex Games.”

In the trailer, we get a glimpse into Newcastle’s abilities as he teams up with Bangalore to fight off a sea monster. Newcastle seems to have an affinity for shields and uses one to protect the other Legends and allow them to subdue the sea monster and eventually kill it. After the monster goes up in flames, Bangalore walks over to Newcastle and says, “You’ve got a lot to answer for.” At the end of the trailer, Newcastle’s mask is pulled off by Bangalore and is revealed to be her brother, Jackson.

Apex Legends: Saviors, which will be season 13 for the iconic game, will be out on May 10, but stay tuned on April 28 for an in-depth “Hero Reveal.”

Watch the full trailer below.

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