‘Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6’ Easter Egg Adapts A New Narrative

'Call of Duty: Black Ops' (Image: Activision)
Fans of Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 Season 1 now have a new reason to roam the map looking for the latest easter egg. What is it exactly? It’s you, of course! Developers flipped the script on players by having them join the fast-flashing world of television. While fans may not want to set the world on fire, they can now join TV land and Fallout by triggering this particular easter egg in the Nuketown map while playing in the era of Dwight D. Eisenhower’s administration.
To start, the player needs to wander the map and shoot off all the mannequins’ heads. Once this endeavor is done, you’re now a member of Fallout TV, as the standby screen starts and channels cycle through Fallout scenes accompanied by music. All players on the map are now in front of a live audience and a fake audience consisting of mannequins positioned in front of the military vehicle and green divider.
An unexpected whole new set of unharmed mannequins come alive once you reach it, like a warped version of the 1987 movie Mannequin starring Kim Cattrall. Yes, Kim Catrall from Sex and the City. Not to be outdone by the weeping angels in Black Ops 3, the current mannequins will come running at you, attempting to take your life as well. The mannequins come out of the ground and into the town, leaving the player contemplating the best way to defeat the 1950s-themed zombie mannequins.
Nuketown has some interesting features, such as a count of how many live players are on the map displayed on the Welcome to Nuketown sign. The sign now shows the addition of filming in progress placed on top of the sign (shown at 0:31 seconds on Inkslasher’s video.)
One of the easter eggs in previous games was Doctor Who’s weeping angels, which could be unlocked by shooting off all the mannequins’ arms in under a two-minute time frame. Upon reaching the goal, a bell sounds, and the horror show begins.
The Nuketown map has had several makeovers over time, but the mannequins and easter eggs accompanying them with each have become part of the challenge like the weeping angels on Black Ops 3; previous easter eggs can be seen here.
Nuketown is a small, close-range map set in 1950s Nevada on a nuclear testing site. With few places to hide, this encourages fast, carnage-inducing gameplay. With Nuketown’s original iteration revived and Nuk3town put back into the box, players will dust up their PVP gaming skills while coming up with new ways to turn the tides of the match.
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