Classic Title ‘Okami’ Teased For A Sequel

Classic Title 'Okami' Teased For A Sequel
In a fun, short video, the director of PS2 classic Okami, Hideki Kamiya, teased that the wolf goddess may be in line for an upcoming sequel. While nothing is set in stone, a video was uploaded by E3 darling, Ikumi Nakamura’s Twitter, Kamiya says, “Okami is going to be back” and gave a thumbs up.
Okami is going to be back! We want to make Okami sequel and fans are looking forward to it too. You guys want to see Kamiya’s Okami again, right, everyone? I want to work on it too! 大神をまた作りたい私たちです。
— Ikumi Nakamura (@nakamura193) October 18, 2019
In the video, Nakamura appears alongside Kamiya, enthusiastically announcing their desire to make a new Okami. Nakamura was the creative director for Ghostwire: Tokyo, before leaving Tango Gameworks and Bethesda/Zenimax, said she wanted to work on the alleged sequel.
Kamiya and Nakamura have worked together before as Nakamura was a concept designer for Bayonetta.
Recently, Capcom’s president and COO, Haruhiro Tsujimoto, confirmed the company wants to revive “dormant IPs.”
“For the time being, while we are placing a priority on maximizing the revenue from current core IP, we are also actively looking to utilize dormant IP,” Tsujimoto said. “Further, as the creation of new IP is indispensable in generating medium- to long-term growth, we are working to develop new brands as well.”
Okami definitely constitutes as being a dormant IP as the only Okami title under Kamiya came out in 2006. With the chance of a sequel on the horizon, you can play the game that is used as an argument for video games as an art form on PC, Xbox One, PS4, and Switch for $19.99.