June’s PS Plus Games Include ‘Borderlands: The Handsome Collection’ and ‘Sonic Mania’

PS Plus

PlayStation Plus logo (Sony)

This upcoming June’s Playstation Plus games have just been released. It includes Borderlands: The Handsome Collection and Sonic Mania. The June time slot will open on June 3rd, with users able to download the games for free until the end of the month.

The new announced Borderlands 3 comes later this calendar year. To get ready, Sony has made available Borderlands: The Handsome Collection free in this month’s upcoming Free PS Plus Store. The Handsome Collection includes Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. The first Borderlands is not included as it has not yet been remastered for the new age consoles.

What is included in the Borderlands: The Handsome Collection however, is all the DLC from the other two games, remastered visuals and saved data where you last left off, if you played either of the games of the PS3. The cooperative campaign is one of the better design games that has expansive free roam in the bizarre world of Borderlands, while at the same time, leveling up weapons, armor and looting others with your friends.

Are you more into solo gaming? Borderland’s difficulty is designed on how many users are present in the world. If its just you, you should have no problem progressing through the game and maxing out your characters. Each of the four character skill sets have a wide range of different abilities, one to fit for almost every play style imaginable.

If you haven’t played Sonic Mania before, and want to give it a try, its going to bring you back, retro style. Sonic Mania’s platform style will have you in a classic 16-bit world all over again. This design of the game includes even fans help in the development. As Christian Whitehead, a long time fan of the series, was hired to help the design of the game.

Sonic Mania has been a fan-favorite ever since the release back in August 2017. It was the sequel Sonic fans were always looking for, with the game not only being on the playstation, but added to the newer Nintendo Switch as well.

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