‘Marvel’s Avengers’ Becomes The Most Downloaded Beta In PlayStation History

Iron Man in Square Enix's Marvel's Avengers

Iron Man in Square Enix's Marvel's The Avengers

Over the past month, many players got the chance to partake in the Beta for Marvel’s Avengers. Be it from pre-ordering the game to get early access, or through participating in the Open-Beta last weekend, it would seem that a lot of gamers decided to give the online demo of the upcoming superhero game a try.

While reception has been polarizing from both fans and critics, that didn’t stop millions of people from downloading it. Now, according to Square Enix, via the company’s Twitter account, the publisher has revealed that Marvel’s Avengers‘ Beta has become the most downloaded Beta in PlayStation history. While no official numbers were released on how many players on PlayStation participated in the Beta, we do know that over six million people played across all major platforms, and gamers put over 27 million hours into using it,  according to the latest War Table Video released early this week.

While this is a commendable achievement, it’s not exactly a huge surprise. Square Enix has been showing a lot of favoritism towards Sony for Marvel’s Avengers. PlayStation owners received early access to the Beta for those who pre-ordered the game on PlayStation 4, weeks before Xbox and PC players. When a closed Beta was available for Xbox and PC gamers, all PlayStation 4 owners were able to play the Beta. On top of that, everyone’s favorite arachnid based hero, Spider-Man, will be available exclusively for PlayStation owners in 2021.

Marvel’s Avengers is currently on track for release on September 4 for PS4, Xbox One, Google Stadia and PC. Those who purchased the Deluxe or Collectors Edition of the game were allowed early access to the game on September 1. The game will also be available for PS5 and Xbox Series X later this year, with current-gen owners receiving a free upgrade to the next-gen iterations of PlayStation and Xbox systems.

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