Nintendo Removes Steve’s Meat From ‘Smash Bros. Ultimate’ After Complaints It Was NSFW

Minecraft's Steve Coming To Super 'Smash Bros. Ultimate'

Minecraft's Steve Coming To Super 'Smash Bros. Ultimate'

When players got their hands on Minecraft‘s Steve in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, they began to notice something strange. After Steve was victorious, one of his victory screens had him chomping down on a piece of meat. If you’ve played Minecraft, you’ll know that characters will do that when they have some meat in their inventory. However, it was what happened to the meat Steve was eating that drew some eyes. After taking a few bites, Steve would put the meat right around his crotch area.

This set off several jokes and memes of Steve doing some NSFW things with… another one of his pieces of meat. While it was all in good fun, Steve is now included in a Nintendo game, which means he has to keep himself more family-friendly than before. Last week, Nintendo decided to get rid of Steve’s Meat in a new patch. The patch also contains some changes and balances to Steve and the gang, but the biggest of all these has Steve scarfing down all of his meat after he wins.

Jokes aside, it’s pretty understandable why Nintendo did this, seeing how Smash Bros. is a game that’s rated E for ages 10 and up. No one wants their kid to look up some image of Steve’s “other” Meat that was drawn up by someone with a lot of time on their hands.

Minecraft Steve and the Gang were added to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on October 14.

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