Nintendo To Acquire Dynamo Pictures

Nintendo Logo (Image Courtesy Of Nintendo)

Nintendo Logo (Image Courtesy Of Nintendo)

Japanese video game company Nintendo has entered a deal to acquire Dynamo Pictures, which will be renamed Nintendo Pictures. The agreement is expected to be finalized by October 2.

“Nintendo has decided to acquire 100% of the outstanding shares (excluding treasury shares) of Dynamo Pictures and make it a wholly owned subsidiary to strengthen the planning and production structure of visual content in the Nintendo Group,” the regulatory filing states.

Nintendo’s deal with the Tokyo-based animation company comes as Nintendo plans on releasing a movie based on Super Mario Bros starring Chris Pratt next spring, suggesting the company’s interest in expanding to the cinematic universe. They partnered with Universal on the project.

The acquisition was also made at a time when adapting video games to the big and small screen is gaining popularity. Games like Tomb Raider, Uncharted and Assassin’s Creed have all had successful runs at the box office.

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