Party With A Friend In Nintendo Switch’s ‘1-2-Switch’

When Nintendo offers an unorthodox controller, they develop a launch game to help explain it. The Wii Remote got Wii Sports, the Wii U GamePad got Nintendo Land and the Nintendo Switch’s Joy-Cons are getting 1-2-Switch.

Switch It Up With 1-2-Switch

1-2-Switch was announced during the recent Nintendo Switch presentation. Unsurprisingly, it follows in the footsteps of its spiritual predecessors: it’s a collection of minigames. However, those participating in the party don’t look at the screen, they look at each other.

The minigames are based on a variety of themes, including a wild west standoff, cow milking, table tennis or mimicking your rival’s dance moves.

Wii Sports, while I’m not exactly a fan, flawlessly illuminated how you’re supposed to use the Wii’s motion controls. Nintendo Land wasn’t able to emulate Wii Sports’ success, however.

It’ll be interesting to see how 1-2-Switch fares when it launches alongside its namesake console on March 3. I feel it’s at a disadvantage since it won’t be bundled with the console, but hopefully it proves itself.

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