PlayStation Trophies Get A Makeover

PlayStation 5 (Photo Courtesy of Playstation)

PlayStation 5 (Photo Courtesy of Playstation)

PlayStation has announced on its official blog that trophies have gotten an overhaul before the launch of the PS5. The update went live on October 7 for North America, while Europe went live the following day, October 8. Toshimasa Aoki, Director of Product Management for Sony Interactive Entertainment, detailed the new Trophy level.

“We’re increasing the Trophy level range from the current “1-100” to “1-999,” wrote Aoki. “So, following this update, your Trophy level will automatically be remapped to a new level within this new range based on the Trophies you’ve earned to date.”

Aoki also explained that if your current trophy level is 12, you’ll automatically jump to somewhere into the low 200s. No trophies that you’ve earned already will change, nor will any of the requirements to earn new ones. Other changes to PS Trophies will be a new level calculation structure, letting players progress further though earlier levels, while the later levels will “increase more consistently.” Platinum trophies will be more valuable than before, counting more towards your progression.

Finally, PlayStation will be adding new Trophy Icons for the PS5.

PlayStation Trophies were first introduced for the PS3 when it launched back in 2006, and have since become a staple of every PlayStation console.

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