Sony & PlayStation Set PS5 Reveal Event For Early June

PlayStation 5 (Photo Courtesy of Playstation)

PlayStation 5 (Photo Courtesy of Playstation)

A Nintendo direct leaker claims that PlayStation and Sony will be hosting a reveal event for the PS5 sometime early next month. 

PS5 News

At the event, it is expected that Sony will showcase some of the games that people can play on the PS5. In an article posted by VentureBeat’s Jeff Grubb, he said that the company was originally targeting June 4 for this event, but has since had to push it back slightly, but it will still be in the early part of June.

Sony has not revealed much regarding the highly anticipated PS5, it is not expected that fans will be able to see what the PS5 will actually look like, according to Grubb. It will be more so a release of some of the titles that people can play once the console is released. 

Sony is preparing for a State of Play event for sometime in August. Grubb noted, “This will highlight a combination of current and next-gen games.”

The PS5 is set to release sometime later this year, although no official date has been announced.


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