Two New PlayStation 5 Controller Designs Revealed

PlayStation 5 (Photo Courtesy Of Sony)

PlayStation 5 (Photo Courtesy Of Sony)

Sony showed off two new designs for the company’s PlayStation 5 game system Thursday, one of which sports a classic style sure to excite long-time PlayStation fans.

The two new styles “Cosmic Red” and “Midnight Black” will be available some time next month, but Sony did not announce a specific date. No matter where they’ll be available though, players may find it easier to get a hold of one of these stylish controllers compared to the system they were designed for.

Sony Interactive Entertainment CFO Totoki Hiroki told Bloomberg Sunday that “I don’t think demand is calming down this year and even if we secure a lot more devices and produce many more units of the PlayStation 5 next year, our supply wouldn’t be able to catch up with demand.”

The PS5 supply shortage is partially blamed on a world-wide shortage of silicone which is required to manufacture graphics and computer processors. Being that the DualSense doesn’t require such advanced tech, Sony can happily churn out as many controllers as they please.

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