Xbox Live Goes Down For 3 Hours, Virtual Chaos Ensues

Xbox Live (Image: Xbox)

Xbox Live (Image: Xbox)

If you were gaming on an Xbox on this week you probably noticed the outrages that have been plaguing the network.

As society hunkers down to try and halt the spreading of coronavirus, some gamers looked to the quarantine as a good way to practice up on their most-loved games. The game Call of Duty: Warzone was one of the most popular games to be interrupted, due to random connection problems.

Even though the service was only down for approxomately three hours on March 15, that didn’t stop Twitter users from posting their best memes during the Xbox-blackout.

Even Snoop Dog had a few words to say about Xbox Live servers being down. He originally posted a video to his Instagram story, but thankfully internet users were able to download the video and post it in countless memes.

Don’t worry now though, for the servers have been consistently online for days after the small disruption of service.

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