New Nintendo Switch Reportedly Will Support 4K

Nintendo Switch

Nintendo Switch

A new version of the Nintendo Switch could be in the works, if sources from Bloomberg are to be believed. In the article, writer Takashi Mochizuki reports that Nintendo has boosted Switch production, which was hit hard due to COVID-19, by 20%. Nintendo has “asked its assembly partners to increase production of its Switch gaming console again, raising its goal to as much as 30 million units for this fiscal year, according to people familiar with its strategy.”

While this is great news for Nintendo, the most significant detail is that the gaming giant will be introducing a new version of the Switch, which will contain upgraded hardware with improvements to graphics and processing power. “Several outside game developers, speaking anonymously as the issue is private, said that Nintendo has asked them to make their games 4K-ready, suggesting a resolution upgrade is on its way,” Mochizuki claims.

A spokesman for Nintendo has declined to comment on this claim.

While the Big N has yet to reveal any new information, rumors suggest we could see the latest version of the Nintendo Switch release sometime in 2021.

Since the Nintendo Switch was released in March 2017, the hybrid portable/home gaming console has sold over 61 million units worldwide, as of June 2020.

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