Nintendo eShop’s New April 20, 2017 Releases

Speaking as a Nintendo fan, we’ve certainly had some important news lately. Moreover, today’s Thursday! Thus, the eShop has new games for the Switch, Wii U and Nintendo 3DS family.


Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap resurrects the beloved side-scroller for a new generation! With an orchestrated soundtrack and redrawn graphics to render the beautifully animated adventure, Wonder Boy has never been so wonderful.

URBAN TRIAL FREESTYLE 2, launching for the 3DS, expands upon the trick style bike riding fans love. Furthermore, not only does this sequel contain twice as many levels as the original, it also has a track editor. Naturally, you can share your inventions with your friends. And a free demo is available, too.

Rayman 3, the Game Boy Advance version, has joined the Wii U Virtual Console catalog. A 2D counterpart to the popular platformer, I hear this is a solid romp.

Rayman Advance is also up to download on the Wii U. As a rebalanced version of the first Rayman, Advance is a more well-rounded experience. However, I hear a few other comprises had to be made.

Here’s everything Nintendo released on the eShop this week:

Nintendo Switch


  • ACA NEOGEO FATAL FURY (Hamster, $7.99)
  • Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap (DotEmu, $19.99)

Wii U


  • Booty Diver (Xavier Orion Gms, $7.99)
  • MOP: Operation Cleanup (EnsenaSoft, $5.00)
  • ORBIT (RCMADIAX, $1.49)
  • Zombeer (Padaone Games, $4.99)
  • Rayman 3 (Ubisoft, $7.99 – originally for the Game Boy Advance)
  • Rayman Advance (Ubisoft, $7.99 – originally for the Game Boy Advance)


  • Pic-a-Pix Color (Lightwood Games, free)

Nintendo 3DS


  • Ping Pong Trick Shot 2 (Starsign, $1.99)
  • URBAN TRIAL FREESTYLE 2 (Tate Multimedia, $6.99)


  • Blasting Agent: Ultimate Edition (Ratalaika Games, free)
  • Pic-a-Pix Color (Lightwood Games, free)

New Nintendo 3DS


  • Breakout Defense (nuGAME, $7.00)

Nothing listed above catches your attention? Then check out what’s on sale. Frozenbyte’s Trine 2: Director’s Cut was the most eye-catching title I noticed.

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