‘Street Fighter 6’ Changes Logo After Fan Backlash

'Street Fighter 6' (Image: Capcom)

'Street Fighter 6' (Image: Capcom)

Capcom Games received tremendous backlash after the drop of the initial trailer of the newest edition in the famed Street Fighter series, but it wasn’t for the reason some may think. At PlayStation’s State of Play event, Capcom debuted the trailer for the highly anticipated Street Fighter 6, and the logo design did not rub fans the right way.

The initial logo left fans of the franchise frustrated at the lack of thought and effort for a game that has almost three decades of history. Many criticized the developers for the resemblance of the logo to an Adobe Stock image, saying it had a total lack of creativity. The original design seems to be based on an Adobe Illustrator file originally used by user xcoolee. The stock image had also previously been used by the SF Connexion sci-fi convention in French. xcoolee had also contacted Capcom with the intention to sell the exclusive rights to the image to the gaming developers.

The new logo, however, is more true to the franchise, and way more visually captivating. The new logo features elements of fire, a logo that highlights the game being the sixth installment, and a less monochromatic, basic design in the Hexagon.

Along with the changes in the logo, the latest installment of the game features new gameplay, design, characters and more as shown in the latest trailer. Capcom released the first gameplay footage from the upcoming fighter showing franchise mainstays Ryu and Chun-Li (both aged up) as well as new characters in Luke and Jamie. The footage showed improved graphics, new fighting mechanics, animations and a colorful and captivating 3D style that makes the game stunning to look at and play. The gameplay also shows aspects of an open-world game with lively scenery and an adaptive, responsive environment. It is unclear how “open-world” the game will be but new settings were a feature highlighted in the teaser trailer.

This is one of the most anticipated Street Fighter games as the latest installment of Street Fighter V came out over five years ago in 2016. There is more to come out regarding the game in the near future. As of now, Street Fighter 6 is slated to release in 2023.

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