‘Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition’ Review Roundup: Decade-Old Shooter Holds Up Fine


Borderlands (Gearbox)

Borderlands graced the world a decade ago, introducing ragtag rogues and a fascinating apocalyptic world. Gearbox Software’s title became a hit, and earlier this month they re-released the original game to tide fans over until the third installment arrives in September. So, how does Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition hold up after ten years worth of advancements and refinements?

According to reviews, it holds up favorably well. According to Richard Seagrave of GameSpew, Borderlands was in need of a remaster and the ameliorations that come in this one benefited the game, citing improved visuals, greater customization and a mini-map as welcomed changes. He also adds how the core gameplay, whether playing alone or with friends, remains as fun as it was ten years ago.

God is a Geek‘s Mick Fraser echoed that last sentiment, claiming how fundamentally Boderlands is still fun despite the elements of the original release that have aged. However, he was hard pressed to recommend the Game of the Year Edition, only saying those who missed the original should look into its remaster. Metro, however, didn’t believe the first Borderlands was in dire need of a remaster but was nonetheless grateful for the shooter having obtained one, even if they’re more interested in the forthcoming sequel than revisiting the original.

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