Blizzard Says Nintendo Can Take “Whatever Character You Want” For Smash Bros. DLC

Banjo-Kazooie join Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Banjo-Kazooie join Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Nintendo/Microsoft)

Overwatch will be releasing on the Switch on October 15, leading to some rumors about a possible Overwatch character making an appearance in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Overwatch game director Jeff Kaplan added a little more fuel to the fire by being so eager to want his characters to join the acclaimed series.

“To the Smash Bros team, [you can have] whatever character you want. We love them all. They’re all our babies, you can have any single one of them,” he said. “We have 31 to choose from.”


Naturally, Kaplan said his personal pick for the game would be Overwatch mascot, Tracer. Blizzard has spent a great amount of time refining her character in the comics and fun in the game as well. It would make perfect sense, as Tracer is the character on the cover box and has found her way to having some of the biggest recognizability of a character in recent memory. It’s hard to not know who Tracer is in the gaming world.

“Tracer’s our girl, Tracer’s our mascot. She’d be my first choice. There’s a lot of great runners up. I think a lot of people can immediately see Doomfist gameplay applying to Smash, but if it were up to me, I’d like to see Tracer,” Kaplan said.

Whether Kaplan’s dream becomes a reality is a very different case, though not outside the realm of possibility. The Smash ultimate team still has many more spots to fill as it announced a second fighters pass to be coming right after the first set of fighters.

After Terry Bogard of Fatal Fury releases next month, there will be at least six more spots available for fighter slots. Considering how wild the picks so far have been, it wouldn’t out of left field if an Overwatch character made their way into Smash Bros. in the next year.

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