GameStop Announces New Vision To Transform to a General Technology Company

GameStop logo

GameStop logo

GameStop has announced that it plans to move beyond video games and considers itself a technology company. GameStop has been moving away from being an entirely video game-based retailer for some time now, expanding its inventory to include toys, collectibles, computer parts and mobile phones.

“GameStop has two long-term goals: delighting customers and delivering value for stockholders. We are evolving from a video game retailer to a technology company that connects customers with games, entertainment and a wide assortment of products,” the retailer said in a statement. “We are focused on offering vast product selection, competitive pricing and fast shipping – supported by high-touch customer service and a frictionless e-commerce and in-store experience.”

It is not known how this change will impact the average GameStop shopper, but it promises to take GameStop, a retailer that many consider stuck in the past, into the future.

We may have gotten the first taste of GameStop’s new plan earlier this year when they launched a website announcing they were hiring for an NFT platform based on Ethereum. Nothing has come from the project yet, but it has been of great interest to those involved in NFT’s after GameStop stock prices soared earlier this year after it became a “meme stock.”

GameStop also made the announcement that its 2021 conference will be held in a virtual 3d space this year, a big departure from the traditional in-person events they normally host.

“We’ve secured an incredible 3D app this year,” the retailer stated on its conference website. “When you kick-off in the Conference app, you’ll create your own Avatar that will roam around Conference and actually walk into each VTR, general session and Expo.”


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