PlayStation Will Provide Report On Player’s Annual Performance

PlayStation 5 (Photo Courtesy of Playstation)

PlayStation 5 (Photo Courtesy of Playstation)

PlayStation has begun sending out its end of the year wrap-up disclosures, and they might bring back some short-term nostalgia of the time you spent playing your favorite games this past year. The report will let you know how many games you have played this year as well as the three games you played the most and how many hours on each. If you ever felt as though you are playing too much of a certain game, now you can learn the truth.

The wrap-up will also expose to you your favorite genre, as well as the number of games and trophies you’ve received in that genre. It will show the entire number of trophies you have received this past year, which is great if you play to collect them. The report will be delivered via email, so as long as you have played for at least 10 hours you will get a report with your gaming history. In case you cannot find the report, you can also check the official wrap-up page for details.

With the report itself, you will also receive a free dynamic theme and seven different avatars. These avatars will be custom to you style of play. Sports players will receive a sneaker with wings and strategy players will receive a chess knight piece.

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