Official PS5 Bundle Will Come with ‘Horizon Forbidden West’

Horizon Forbidden West

Horizon Forbidden West (Image Courtesy Of Guerrilla Games)

Sony has released the first official PlayStation 5 bundle which will include Horizon Forbidden West

So far, the bundle has only been made available in the U.K. For U.S, gamers, make sure to have a chance of being able to purchase a bundle by registering with PS Direct. Fans spotting the bundle in the UK report that the bundle comes with a reasonable price tag. It costs €500, saving buyers €20 in comparison to buying the console (€450) and Horizon Forbidden West  (€70) separately.

The bundle is projected to go for around $550 in the U.S.

The release of the bundles comes quietly as Sony most likely is being mindful of shortages. Despite little marketing, the bundles in the U.K. are still selling out. The company has had difficulty keeping the consoles in stock since the beginning of 2022, but most consoles are projected to be produced in the coming months.

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