‘Elden Ring’ Trailer Leaks Online

George R.R. Martin

George R.R. Martin

Several years have gone by without a word from game developer From Software or author George R.R. Martin on their collaboration video game titled Elden Ring. A supposed-trailer for the mysterious game has been making the rounds in online forums and according to sources at VGC and GameInformer, the trailer is real.

The footage is blurry and crooked, but sources from multiple outlets confirm it is legitimate.

The trailer allegedly comes from a short-lived art concept reveal for Elden Ring which was removed hours after it was posted on the online forum Reddit. Like many other anticipated projects, Elden Ring is likely suffering from COVID-19 related delays.

VGC‘s own Andy Robinson wrote a statement about the footage leak on Twitter.

Robinson wrote that, “One source told me they were fully expecting [Elden Ring] to release in 2022.” Even though fans can have this little glimpse into the world that may be Elden Ring, the Dark Souls and Game of Thrones crossover of our dreams is likely still very far away.

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