‘Final Fantasy VII’ Remake & ‘Marvel’s Avengers’ Launches Are Delayed

Iron Man in Square Enix's Marvel's Avengers

Iron Man in Square Enix's Marvel's The Avengers

Square Enix has revealed delays for two of its most exciting 2020 games. Final Fantasy VII Remake has been delayed from March 3rd to April 10th, and Marvel’s Avengers has been held up from May 15 to September 4.

Both games’ developers cited the need to polish of the gameplay in order to have an improved experience.

“We are making this tough decision in order to give ourselves a few extra weeks to apply final polish to the game and to deliver you with the best possible experience,” commented Yoshinori Kitase. “I, on behalf of the whole team, want to apologize to everyone, as I know this means waiting for the game just a little bit longer. Thank you for your patience and continued support.”

Scot Amos and Ron Rosenberg, the heads of Crystal Dynamics, posted a statement on the delay of Marvel’s Avengers: “We will spend this additional development time focusing on fine tuning and polishing the game to to the high standards our fans expect and deserve.”

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