‘Hyper Scape’ Being Overhauled Due To Low User Count

'Hyper Scape'

'Hyper Scape'

Hyper Scape, the free-to-play Battle Royale from Ubisoft, will be receiving a complete overhaul. In a blog post on Ubisoft’s website, the company explains that while millions partook in the game’s launch on PC, as well as its open beta, the game did not reach “the high expectations (Ubisoft) set for.” ” We are focused on a single goal; We want Hyper Scape to be a game everyone can play and enjoy,” reads an official headline. “To this point, we wanted to provide insight into the areas we have found as key priorities to reach the game’s full potential.”

Some of the changes Ubisoft is working to improve on include features such as making it much more approachable and accessible to play (especially on consoles), implementing a tutorial to help new players learn about the game and it’s mechanics, introducing respawn systems, and “deathmatch style game modes,” and a player ranking system to help create both medium and long-term goals.

Ubisoft also promises to include more frequent updates to Hyper Scapes during its upcoming second season.

Hyper Scape is currently available to play on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. No information has been released if it will arrive on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S

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