It Is Time To Celebrate The Cheese Rolling Day In ‘Animal Crossing: New Horizons’

'Animal Crossings: New Horizons' (Image: Nintendo)

'Animal Crossings: New Horizons' (Image: Nintendo)

One of the biggest features of Animal Crossing is how timely relevant it is. Players can often access seasonal events pertaining to different cultures around the world, such as, the International Museum Day event, or the Lunar New Year event. This time, Animal Crossing: New Horizons is going to introduce something less famous, but as appealing as all the other events: the Cheese Rolling day.

This is a brand new event to not only New Horizons but also the entire Animal Crossing franchise. To participate in this activity, you can either visit the Nook Stop at the Residence Services or, for those who have unlocked the Nook Phone function, access the Nook Shopping app. You can then switch the tab to the Seasonal Events one and view the current events as well as corresponding items. For the Cheese Rolling day, you can purchase the double Gloucester cheese for 1200 bells; neither other types of cheese nor customized cheese will be offered in this time-limited event. To know more about this event, as well as others, you can highlight the item and press X, which summons a little blurb containing the relevant information.

This event is inspired by the Cooper’s Hill Cheese-Rolling and Wake event annually held in Gloucester, England. Numerous contestants will gather upon a hill, chasing over a double Gloucester cheese rolled down by the judge. It is fun, but also intense. Not only the cheese but also the participants will be rolling down the hill with irregular human forms. The side effect will be strong dizziness, as you can see in the video.

Indeed, we all hope to experience the joy of rolling down with the cheese; after all, the side effect of dizziness cannot happen in the game. Unfortunately, New Horizons only allows players to display the cheese on your island. No rolling will be manifested.

The Cheese Rolling day event will be available from May 22 – May 31. Make sure to check this time-limited event out, or you might need to wait a long time for its return.

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