‘League Of Legends’ Tenth Anniversary Announces Plethora Of Games

League of Legends
Riot Games said it best themselves: “We’re finally putting the ‘S’ in Riot Games.”
They showed off a crazy amount of things they’ve been working on to celebrate their upcoming tenth anniversary. Most of what they showed off for League of Legends’ tenth anniversary wasn’t exactly about the game itself.
Riot did first show the newest champion they’re releasing, named Senna, who is a support character who plays like a marksman, adding a new experience never seen before on the rift. They also announced a console and mobile version of League, called Wild Rift. It isn’t a port, instead it’s a game build for the new systems from the ground up and optimized for the new platforms. These are set to release in 2020.
They also showed the newest changes coming in the preseason, called Rise Of The Elements, that change how Elemental Drakes work and their new impact on the rift. Ultra Rapid Fire, or URF, will be returning soon as well. The elemental changes will launch on Oct. 22 on the PBE and URF is out now on the PBE.
Starting on Oct. 17, Riot will be giving out rewards for logging in up to their anniversary day on Oct 27. Lastly, starting today, you can listen to nine albums with curated songs from the previous nine seasons of League across streaming music platforms.
League’s autochess mode, Teamfight Tactics will also be getting a mobile port that you can pre-register for now, set for release in Q1 2020. Riot also confirmed there will be new champions ad abilities released for the game every few months, with the second set of champs set to release to Nov. 5.
Riot announced a card game called Legends of Runeterra, a free-to-play collecting-card game set in League’s world, with characters and allies from previous content being added into the game each set. Pre-registration is open on the game’s official website, with a planned launch in 2020 for both PC and mobile. This began the spree of games announced by Riot.
Three more games were announced though none have official names yet. Project A is a character based shooter that is also a new IP. It will take place on Earth in the near future and built directly for competitive play.
Project L is the League-based fighting game that was rumored for years before finally confirmed at Evo 2019. We only got a brief look at what it could turn into and a promise for more info next year, but the developers mentioned it is still very early in production and won’t be shown again anytime soon.
Project F was the final game revealed through actual gameplay, showing off a project that will let players take control of a character and explore the world of Runeterra with others. There was no further information given about this title.
While the titles will be shown more next year, expect their releases to not come until 2021.
League Of Legends Esports Manager was also announced, appealing to the hardcore Esports fan, following the footsteps of popular simulation games like Football Manager. It will let you manage a League Esports team and manage them through the competitive season. It will also directly work like the League Esports system, with a revenue sharing program sending some of the profit directly for pro teams.
Among the game announcements, there were also glimpses of a new board game and the full reveal of animated series based on League called Arcane that we will learn more about in the future.
There’s at least one project in this large list that appeals to their large player base. After ten years of solely League of Legends, the team has finally shown what they were capable of, pleasing fans through the sheer amount of projects announced. This is an anniversary done right.