‘Overwatch’ Halloween Event Returns With New Skins, Sprays, Emotes And More

Sigma in Overwatch (Blizzard)
Blizzard’s annual Halloween themed event for Overwatch, Halloween Terror, returned on Oct. 15. Halloween Teror 2019 will run from Oct. 15 to Nov. 5, and will see the return of the wave-based PvE mode, Junkenstein’s Revenge.
The mode will return for the fourth time without much change, but can still give a good amount of fun for new players and veterans alike. Tracer and Brigitte have been added to the list of playable characters in Junkenstein’s Revenge
Halloween Terror will add a fresh batch of skins, emotes and sprays. The skins include five new legendary skins (Pharaoh Ana, Warlock Ashe, Demon Orisa, Will-o’-Wisp Tracer, Scorpion Widowmaker) and three new epic skins (Inferno Junkrat, Vampire Baptiste, Gorgon Lucio) alongside new voice lines for the characters as well.
While most cosmetics will be available through Overwatch’s loot boxes, players can also earn the Legendary Demon Hunter Sombra skin — previously a BlizzCon Virtual Ticket-exclusive item — by completing weekly challenges. Inferno Junkrat and Vampire Baptiste are also earned by completing weekly challenges (nine wins per week).
Last year’s version of the Halloween Terror event added new legendary skins for characters like Sombra, Moira, Doomfist, and Wrecking Ball. These skins will be cheaper to buy with in -game currency this year. There is going to be a haunted version of the deathmatch multiplayer map, Château Guillard.
Overwatch is available for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. The game was launched on Nintendo Switch yesterday, Oct. 15.