‘Pokémon Legends: Arceus’ Set For Released Jan. 28

'Pokémon Legends: Arceus (Image: The Pokemon Company)

'Pokémon Legends: Arceus (Image: The Pokemon Company)

Pokémon Legends: Arceus will be released exclusively for Nintendo Switch on January 28.

The official Pokémon YouTube channel posted a 13-minute long video to show players what they can expect. The game expands into new locations set in the Sinnoh region, long before any of the current Pokémon games take place. The goal of the game is to combat wild Pokémon and create the first Pokedex of the area.

The preview shows new attack types – strong style or agile style – and game features. The “agile style” allows the trainer to attack more quickly, and the wait is shortened before being able to attack again. “Strong style” requires the trainer to wait for a longer period of time after a stronger attack. Strong style could mean being attacked yourself while waiting to recharge after an attack.

The trainer also must be prepared for the latest installments, which feature different types of Pokémon based on the weather and the time of day. Each has a different temperament. There are also “Alpha Pokémon” and “Noble Pokémon.” The trainer must determine how to fight them based on what type of Pokémon they are. Red eyes are the “Alpha Pokémon, while the “Noble Pokémon” have gold eyes. There are more small challenges that a trainer must learn, like feeding Kleavor a balm made out of its’ favorite foods before fighting it.

The game is now available to preorder for $59.99.

Watch the video below for a preview.

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