Twitch Streamers Battle Over Claims Of Sexual Assault

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After a myriad of controversies involving the streaming platform Twitch, yet another has developed.
This particular issue started back in 2020 when a content creator, Adrianah Lee, posted a TwitLonger concerning the events of a fellow Twitch streamer’s 21st birthday.
In the TwitLonger, Lee explained that she felt “uncomfortable” around a user that goes by the name CrazySlick.
According to Lee, CrazySlick attempted to take advantage of her while she was intoxicated.
“CrazySlick was following us around trying to kiss me, trying to kiss her, and at one point I was told that he and I ended up kissing,” an excerpt from the TwitLonger reads.
Lee alleges that CrazySlick also touched her while she was unconscious.
Last month, these allegations were brought up once again when TrainWreck and Mizkif, also part of the Twitch community, were feuding over Twitter.
Initially, the Twitter argument centered around a streamer allegedly scamming his audience, but the discussion quickly revealed details about Lee’s alleged assault.
Lee took to a Livestream to explain that the person mentioned in TrainWreck’s tweet had pressured her to not publish the TwitLonger, and went so far as to proofread it once it was written.
Text messages from friends the day after the birthday celebration paint a stranger picture than the TwitLonger had, Lee’s friends seeming to feel more than a bit concerned about CrazySlick’s behavior.
As of now, CrazySlick has seemingly left Twitch, but an investigation continues.